Friday, July 5, 2013

SA Update- July

I've been in South Africa for five months! I’m sorry to say that the longer I live here, the harder it is for me to give updates! As life becomes more normal and has more of a rhythm it can be easy to forget the bigger picture. Many times I even forget that I am in Africa! It’s strange to think that there are people out there (back home) that want to be regularly updated on my life, so I apologize for the lack of communication and updates! Hopefully in the long run I will become better at that.

I've noticed that the longer I am here, the more my jobs change. What we thought I came here to do has turned into something else, but I think that is really great. I came here out of a season of life where I felt I had no direction and no real passion for anything. For lack of a better word, I just felt blah. My hopes were that I would discover what I was passionate about and that I would find a direction while being here. I know God is directing me, which is why my work at Village of Hope has been changing. He is helping me discover what I am passionate about and what He has gifted me in. And He is helping me to be able to use those gifts to impact His kingdom. There are two areas that God seems to be leading me in: worship and children. Many of you are probably thinking, “Well duh, Shannon. You have always worked with children and love them and you sing and play guitar. Makes sense!” But sometimes what is obvious to the onlooker isn't so obvious to the actual person. Whatever our reasons, we don’t always agree that what we are good at or what we are drawn to is in fact something God has given us. That is something I've been really trying to work out here. If I have a burning desire to sing and worship, then isn't that an area that I should pursue and see how God uses it?

I am in the very beginning stages of helping a little local preschool to move out of the mindset of just being a holding place for children to a place where children come to grow and learn and also to feel safe and secure. I have always had a special place in my heart for young children and I know that the early years are so vital. This preschool has been on my radar for a while now, but it has been a bit hard to move forward. This is a place that I have a strong desire to help grow, but it has been so tough to do it on my own. But recently a friend from my church has expressed that she would like to be involved as well. So now I have a buddy to help me out!! I am so excited for that and so grateful for her desire to help me and also impact and love on this community.

Just a follow up on my last post… I was talking about how necessary community is and how I was starting to get planted a little bit in a community. I started going to a church called Every Nation Somerset West about two months ago. Everyone there was so welcoming and inviting and I felt at home almost immediately. I have started to make some friends and get connected and I joined a life group (which is something that I really wanted from the moment I arrived in Africa). I also felt that God wanted me to join the worship team… so this Sunday will be my first Sunday singing! I am still constantly in awe of how God works. I have always had a very strong desire to sing, but being on a worship team has always terrified me. I always thought I was never good enough and was also just plain scared. But now that I am here, now that I have taken the big leap of faith to leave my home in California and obediently follow the Lord, it’s amazing the fears He is helping me to overcome! I mean, I used to only play guitar by myself in my living room and as soon as my roommate came home I would stop! And now God has placed me in a place where I am doing it often.

It is through all these things and experiences that are causing me to feel so at home and at peace with living in South Africa. I always had this unsettling feeling about my life in Orange County, and it is now apparent that it is because the Lord had plans for me that were beyond life there. Since moving away I have felt like I am growing so much and finally coming in to the woman God wants me to be and the life He has for me. This is such an exciting life and I am so thankful that God has been leading me on this very exciting journey!

Prayer Requests:
  • That I would allow God to lead me, whether that be down new paths or continuing with the same work. But that whatever I do will be in line with God's will.
  • For continued financial support

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